If we would have ended our trip there, we were overwhelmingly spoiled. Y'all, this day, our first day at Hollywood Studios, blew the rest of the days out of the water. So many magic moments and pixie dust! And we still had more days to come. I am not exaggerating when I say we were spoiled this trip more than ever. We are so grateful! Showing me love, I am grateful. Show Annie love, and I am exploding with thankfulness and joy. The love Annie was shown by Disney blessed her Daddy and I oh so much! If we weren't major Disney fans already, we would be now. Whenever I would tell a CM how grateful I was and how much they were spoiling her, they would all reply, "oh no! This is what we live for! Thank YOU for letting us do this!" Aren't they amazing?! Love Disney and ALL the CMs there!!!
We had planned for this to be our only Hollywood Studios day. Our schedule looked like this:
Day 1: arrive and Disney Springs
Day 2:MK
Day 3: MK
Day 4: E
Day 5: HS
Day 6: AK
Day 6: 4 parks in one day
Day 7: character meals and Disney Springs
Well, the day before, Paul said he would rather add another park day than the character meals and laid back last day. Well, you don't have to tell me twice! haha So we added another HS day and moved AK to our last day. This worked out best because I was really stressing about our HS day. We love to do Doc McStuffins in the mornings, but we would need to sign up for Jedi Training first thing in the morning. When we added another HS day, we were able to wait to do Jedi Training the next day. :)
I had to snap a pic of Doc McStuffins, watching Doc McStuffins waiting to go eat breakfast with Doc McStuffins! And of course she is snuggling Dumbo! I also had to snap a pic of Dumbo enjoying the bus! haha
We love the Disney Junior breakfast at Hollywood and Vine (and I believe they are at lunch too). We were the first family and they had a surprise waiting for us when we entered!
We got a private meet and greet and group shot with all the characters! We could end right there and we would have had a magical day, but the magic moments had just begun!
Handy Manny
Sofia the First
Sofia loved Annie's costume
Doc time!!!
I got a birthday card and Annie got a congratulations card for her adoptionversary! The characters would see the card and get all excited for us! *heart explodes*
We don't really get to watch much of Jake, (we don't have tv- only movies). BUT we LOVE meeting Jake at this breakfast. I assume he is friends with the same CM from last year because both years Jake was incredible! If y'all know his friend, please let them know! He is one of the best characters you can meet! So interactive and creative!
We love Jake, particularly at HnV! ;)
After breakfast we headed over to the Disney Junior stage show. While waiting, I took some pics of Doc in her clinic. Dumbo needed a checkup. ;)
We also stopped by to check out the mousekadoer!
More Doc shots!
If you haven't noticed by now, we love being the first family. haha Since we were the fisrt family, Annie got to open the doors to the show by saying the magic words, "Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse!"
She was also given this signed certificate
Here is a very rare pic of an unhappy Annie! She is becoming emotional with music, (I remember being the same way). "Mommy, this song makes me cry!" I tried to distract her with Dumbo and a pic, but was unsuccessful! haha
Making it snow with Sofia
(hand in the air is the magic wand haha)
Bubbles with Doc
I was so touched in this story. We've seen the show a handful of times, but I never noticed this before... Lambie's plush is ripped, but do you know where? On her back! Just like Annie's Spina Bifida! We've even given Dumbo stitches on his back so he can have SB too! We loved when we noticed that Lambie now has SB too. ;)
Jake and the Gold Doubloons
We were told to stay after the show for a little surprise!
We LOVE this CM! We went on to visit with her more in a couple days. She brought Annie a plush Doc and a Doc doctor's kit!!!
Meeting the Doc crew!
Then the CMs took us to the front of the line to meet Doc!
Doc followed us out- she wasn't ready to say goodbye! *squee*
Our benevolent CM had the great idea to have Doc sign the doctor's kit! *love*

We love Doc for many obvious reasons! We are in and out of the hospital all the time. Doc has definitely helped there! With the new adoption story line they had- how perfect is that?! I just wish Disney would put those episodes on a DVD so we could add them to our Doc collection! Pretty please, Disney! :)
This CM then asked if Annie would like to meet the other characters. I didn't want to be greedy so I turned her down, (we did meet them at breakfast), but the second Annie showed interest the CM overrode me. Smart lady. ;)
Sofia :)
Sofia had Annie give her a check up!
Remember what I said about how awesome Jake was- she was too!
heart hands
Star Wars time!
We are new Star Wars fans, but when we fell in love, we fell hard!
Princess Chewie at your service!
Star Wars fans will get our shirts. Others, not so much. haha I even had some CMs compliment the shirts saying we needed more love in the world (as in they thought I was wearing a random "I love you" shirt). Another CM read them as "I know I love you...oh that is so sweet!" If you are a CM you must brush up on your Disney/Marvel/Star Wars knowledge. haha
We all know Kylo had to have enjoyed being bowed to. Haha She told him she would join the dark side. smh haha
I know I am saying this a lot, but it is true... they Jawas showered her with love- and it was only the beginning!
A CM let Annie pose with his light saber!
oops! Some Jawa pics got out of order:
We were inundated with Star Wars the whole time :)
We were about to leave the area, but we were stopped by the Storm Troopers again. :)
They saw me taking pics so they took Annie to a better photo spot. :)
Look at her gazing up at the ST...
True love, y'all.
Our CM friend from early asked if we wanted to watch the March of the First Order. Of course! No one was around waiting except us. Then people came and started blocking Annie's view. This pic was after moving around so she could see better. Please be cognizant, y'all. She wants to watch the march, not have to look at random adult bodies. (but don't feel too bad for Annie- she ended up getting a special moment with them a few days later) :)
She was so excited to see Captain Phasma and a ton of Storm Troopers
One last Star Wars moment for the day:
Annie and Walt :)
Mickey and Minnie time!
Woody and Buzz
Toy Story Midway!
After getting off the ride, a CM gave Annie this "no stings attached" certificate to get a plush for her adoptionversary! How sweet is that?!
A Woody Mickey couldn't be more perfect to remember this moment!
Annie got to ride Tower of Terror for the first time. Sadly I had her buckled before I noticed she was sitting behind the tall kid.
Walking back to dinner, this magic happened:
We had dinner at Hollywood and Vine (same place we had breakfast, but with a new theme/characters)
This sweetness!!!!!!
Goofy is pointing at me because he realized we were celebrating Annie's adoptionversary- he then gave her a big hug! :)
Somehow forgot to get an actual pic with Goofy. :/
Annie took off her gloves to eat, so when Minnie stopped by she asked me to give it back to her so she could show it to Annie. :)
Dumbo with my Pachyderm Princess
We met Daisy and Minnie again so Annie could meet Minnie in her matching pink. :)
Do you see Annie touching her chest? She is saying, "I'm dressed just like you!"
Admiring their matching gloves
more glove love :)
"It's like you're my mirror. My mirror starin' back at me."
Teacup Time

Annie's motto is "you don't have to walk to be beautiful. Just ask the mermaids." :)
Mine Train again!
probably the best ride shot of Annie- she finally looks like she is having fun! haha
"Look at all that Pixie Dust on your slippers!"
Talking Mickey!
We had already been in the parks for over 12 hour, and Mickey was our last stop. As you can see Annie and Dumbo are exhausted. haha
We love the Disney Junior breakfast at Hollywood and Vine (and I believe they are at lunch too). We were the first family and they had a surprise waiting for us when we entered!
We got a private meet and greet and group shot with all the characters! We could end right there and we would have had a magical day, but the magic moments had just begun!
Handy Manny
Sofia the First
Sofia loved Annie's costume
Doc time!!!
I got a birthday card and Annie got a congratulations card for her adoptionversary! The characters would see the card and get all excited for us! *heart explodes*
We don't really get to watch much of Jake, (we don't have tv- only movies). BUT we LOVE meeting Jake at this breakfast. I assume he is friends with the same CM from last year because both years Jake was incredible! If y'all know his friend, please let them know! He is one of the best characters you can meet! So interactive and creative!
We love Jake, particularly at HnV! ;)
After breakfast we headed over to the Disney Junior stage show. While waiting, I took some pics of Doc in her clinic. Dumbo needed a checkup. ;)
We also stopped by to check out the mousekadoer!
If you haven't noticed by now, we love being the first family. haha Since we were the fisrt family, Annie got to open the doors to the show by saying the magic words, "Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse!"
She was also given this signed certificate
Here is a very rare pic of an unhappy Annie! She is becoming emotional with music, (I remember being the same way). "Mommy, this song makes me cry!" I tried to distract her with Dumbo and a pic, but was unsuccessful! haha
Making it snow with Sofia
(hand in the air is the magic wand haha)
Bubbles with Doc
I was so touched in this story. We've seen the show a handful of times, but I never noticed this before... Lambie's plush is ripped, but do you know where? On her back! Just like Annie's Spina Bifida! We've even given Dumbo stitches on his back so he can have SB too! We loved when we noticed that Lambie now has SB too. ;)
Jake and the Gold Doubloons
We were told to stay after the show for a little surprise!
We LOVE this CM! We went on to visit with her more in a couple days. She brought Annie a plush Doc and a Doc doctor's kit!!!
Meeting the Doc crew!
Then the CMs took us to the front of the line to meet Doc!
you could say she was excited ;)
Doc gave Dumbo a checkup!
Our benevolent CM had the great idea to have Doc sign the doctor's kit! *love*
*day made*
We love Doc for many obvious reasons! We are in and out of the hospital all the time. Doc has definitely helped there! With the new adoption story line they had- how perfect is that?! I just wish Disney would put those episodes on a DVD so we could add them to our Doc collection! Pretty please, Disney! :)
This CM then asked if Annie would like to meet the other characters. I didn't want to be greedy so I turned her down, (we did meet them at breakfast), but the second Annie showed interest the CM overrode me. Smart lady. ;)
Sofia :)
Sofia had Annie give her a check up!
heart hands
Star Wars time!
We are new Star Wars fans, but when we fell in love, we fell hard!
While waiting for Kylo Ren, we got to meet a Storm Trooper. They are usually on patrol, but sometimes you can get lucky with a quick meet. We were thrilled with this one, but little did we know, this would be the first of many! *squee*
I know she is mine, but look at her pose, y'all!
Star Wars fans will get our shirts. Others, not so much. haha I even had some CMs compliment the shirts saying we needed more love in the world (as in they thought I was wearing a random "I love you" shirt). Another CM read them as "I know I love you...oh that is so sweet!" If you are a CM you must brush up on your Disney/Marvel/Star Wars knowledge. haha
We all know Kylo had to have enjoyed being bowed to. Haha She told him she would join the dark side. smh haha
I know I am saying this a lot, but it is true... they Jawas showered her with love- and it was only the beginning!
A CM let Annie pose with his light saber!
oops! Some Jawa pics got out of order:
We were inundated with Star Wars the whole time :)
We were about to leave the area, but we were stopped by the Storm Troopers again. :)
They saw me taking pics so they took Annie to a better photo spot. :)
Look at her gazing up at the ST...
True love, y'all.
Our CM friend from early asked if we wanted to watch the March of the First Order. Of course! No one was around waiting except us. Then people came and started blocking Annie's view. This pic was after moving around so she could see better. Please be cognizant, y'all. She wants to watch the march, not have to look at random adult bodies. (but don't feel too bad for Annie- she ended up getting a special moment with them a few days later) :)
She was so excited to see Captain Phasma and a ton of Storm Troopers
One last Star Wars moment for the day:
Annie and Walt :)
Mickey and Minnie time!
Woody and Buzz
After getting off the ride, a CM gave Annie this "no stings attached" certificate to get a plush for her adoptionversary! How sweet is that?!
A Woody Mickey couldn't be more perfect to remember this moment!
Annie got to ride Tower of Terror for the first time. Sadly I had her buckled before I noticed she was sitting behind the tall kid.
Walking back to dinner, this magic happened:
We had dinner at Hollywood and Vine (same place we had breakfast, but with a new theme/characters)
This sweetness!!!!!!
Goofy is pointing at me because he realized we were celebrating Annie's adoptionversary- he then gave her a big hug! :)
Somehow forgot to get an actual pic with Goofy. :/
Annie took off her gloves to eat, so when Minnie stopped by she asked me to give it back to her so she could show it to Annie. :)
Dumbo with my Pachyderm Princess
We met Daisy and Minnie again so Annie could meet Minnie in her matching pink. :)
Do you see Annie touching her chest? She is saying, "I'm dressed just like you!"
Admiring their matching gloves
more glove love :)
"It's like you're my mirror. My mirror starin' back at me."
Teacup Time

Annie's motto is "you don't have to walk to be beautiful. Just ask the mermaids." :)
Mine Train again!
probably the best ride shot of Annie- she finally looks like she is having fun! haha
"Look at all that Pixie Dust on your slippers!"
Talking Mickey!
We had already been in the parks for over 12 hour, and Mickey was our last stop. As you can see Annie and Dumbo are exhausted. haha
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